What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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Former Member
No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • This morning I was doing pace intervals (not speed work) and this guy in his 20s kept making a BIG production out of passing me... while wearing big fins of course. What is up with that??? Why do men half my age seem to want to race me when it is obvious that a.) I'm not really very fast, and b.) I'm female and old enough to be their mother? hehe, that always happens. any time I am swimming next to someone, I always try to race them at some point. when the speed isn't there for the other person, I try to see how much I can do in the time it takes them to do a 25 or 50. The big production thing does seem a little over the top, though. I was at the public pool over the holiday break... SwimmieAvsFan & I were doing 200s. This dad and his three boys, one of whom was upper HS/low college age, were mucking around in the lane next to us, and the one oldest kid insisted on racing me for a 50 every other 50 or so, but always when I was pushing off a turn in the middle of a 200. I thought it was amusing how he though he was so cool because his sprint 50 would beat my mid-set 200s and was pretty close to asking him if he wanted to race. If his speed was the fastest he could go, he didn't stand a chance, even in a 50.
  • This morning I was doing pace intervals (not speed work) and this guy in his 20s kept making a BIG production out of passing me... while wearing big fins of course. What is up with that??? Why do men half my age seem to want to race me when it is obvious that a.) I'm not really very fast, and b.) I'm female and old enough to be their mother? hehe, that always happens. any time I am swimming next to someone, I always try to race them at some point. when the speed isn't there for the other person, I try to see how much I can do in the time it takes them to do a 25 or 50. The big production thing does seem a little over the top, though. I was at the public pool over the holiday break... SwimmieAvsFan & I were doing 200s. This dad and his three boys, one of whom was upper HS/low college age, were mucking around in the lane next to us, and the one oldest kid insisted on racing me for a 50 every other 50 or so, but always when I was pushing off a turn in the middle of a 200. I thought it was amusing how he though he was so cool because his sprint 50 would beat my mid-set 200s and was pretty close to asking him if he wanted to race. If his speed was the fastest he could go, he didn't stand a chance, even in a 50.
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