Wearing Glasses/Contacts

Former Member
Former Member
Do any of you wear glasses or contacts? I dont mean just for reading but I mean all the time? Has it affected your swimming in any way? What do you do about not being able to see?
  • I swam as a kid in the "BG" (before goggles) era and I was VERY nearsighted. I just did my best to learn how people walked and what colors they were wearing because I could never see them. When I took up Masters swimming...at the ripe old age of about 49....I tried swimming with my contacts. They were the hard contact type, since the soft, disposable types didn't correct my vision well enough. I used to wear them under my goggles. I never had a problem with infections. I was worried that I would lose them when I dove so I tried not wearing them at my first meet. It was okay until I got up on the wrong block because I couldn't see the number written on the side. Very embarrassing! I decided I needed to see so I wore my contacts after that...until I almost lost them at the State meet when my goggles slipped as I dove in. Finally I just went and got laser surgery. I didn't correct 20/20 but I see MUCH better and can even pass the drivers test without corrective lenses now. I would suggest considering the surgery if you are a blind as I was!:cool:
  • I swam as a kid in the "BG" (before goggles) era and I was VERY nearsighted. I just did my best to learn how people walked and what colors they were wearing because I could never see them. When I took up Masters swimming...at the ripe old age of about 49....I tried swimming with my contacts. They were the hard contact type, since the soft, disposable types didn't correct my vision well enough. I used to wear them under my goggles. I never had a problem with infections. I was worried that I would lose them when I dove so I tried not wearing them at my first meet. It was okay until I got up on the wrong block because I couldn't see the number written on the side. Very embarrassing! I decided I needed to see so I wore my contacts after that...until I almost lost them at the State meet when my goggles slipped as I dove in. Finally I just went and got laser surgery. I didn't correct 20/20 but I see MUCH better and can even pass the drivers test without corrective lenses now. I would suggest considering the surgery if you are a blind as I was!:cool:
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