Wearing Glasses/Contacts

Former Member
Former Member
Do any of you wear glasses or contacts? I dont mean just for reading but I mean all the time? Has it affected your swimming in any way? What do you do about not being able to see?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I wore contacts in training and competition for 18 years. Really nearsited 20-800!!! Since turns are so important in breaststroke, I needed to see the walls perfectly, and the contacts did that. Had lazer eye surgery last year, now see 20-20 for the first time. Still need reading glasses for fine print such as 6-8 font, or itallics.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I wore contacts in training and competition for 18 years. Really nearsited 20-800!!! Since turns are so important in breaststroke, I needed to see the walls perfectly, and the contacts did that. Had lazer eye surgery last year, now see 20-20 for the first time. Still need reading glasses for fine print such as 6-8 font, or itallics.
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