shaving vs hair removal

Former Member
Former Member
Hi everyone, I am thinking about shaving for the Nationals. I have shaved my chest with a razor but my skin seems to be extremely sensitive. Anyone has a good advice on whether a hair removal product may be better when i decide to shave my legs too?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    From someone who has to shave her legs almost every day or every few days: You just need to get used to the feel of it. Chafing and ingrown hairs are just a pain you end up getting used to. Get one of those pink razors that we girls use for legs, it's made for body hair instrad of facial hair. There is some difference. And get the shaving cream girls use for legs. Shaving is probably highly overrrated unles you have lots and lots of hair. But, hey, if you think it will make you swim faster, then it probably will. (whether the reason is hydrodynamic, or psychological) Just my 2c
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    From someone who has to shave her legs almost every day or every few days: You just need to get used to the feel of it. Chafing and ingrown hairs are just a pain you end up getting used to. Get one of those pink razors that we girls use for legs, it's made for body hair instrad of facial hair. There is some difference. And get the shaving cream girls use for legs. Shaving is probably highly overrrated unles you have lots and lots of hair. But, hey, if you think it will make you swim faster, then it probably will. (whether the reason is hydrodynamic, or psychological) Just my 2c
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