shaving vs hair removal

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Hi everyone, I am thinking about shaving for the Nationals. I have shaved my chest with a razor but my skin seems to be extremely sensitive. Anyone has a good advice on whether a hair removal product may be better when i decide to shave my legs too?
  • I'm not a lady but I have always understood one of the benefits to razor shaving was removing the dead skin layer. This is what gives the sleek feel. Not sure it would be as effective with a hair removal product.
  • As Jeff mentioned, one of the reasons I have always heard was that shaving also removes dead skin. And I definitely feel the difference with shaved legs, however I’ve never tried Nair and I think I’ll shy away from wax (ouch!) so I can’t compare the feel of the two. But, if shaving off hair and dead skin turns into removing live skin and blood letting, you may want to look for other solutions, such as Neet/Nair or solicit the assistance of a wife/girlfriend or barber to assist. Also if you are somewhat furry, you may want to remove most of the hair with hair clippers first, before actually shaving down and Always use fresh blades.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Ladies, should we recommend the hot wax method to him? I'm just joking around. I just couldn't resist. Sorry. He asked a serious question and deserves a serious answer. I have no clue, and have wondered the same thing... do other types of hair removal, that is, waxing, or depilatories like Neet or Nair, have the same effect as shaving?
  • Tweezers man! Start plucking.... actually I've used the creams way back when I was forced to shave down.....they last longer than shaving, the smell reeks, but it avoids the razor burn/rash. but choose wisely over smell, and definitely test it first. But beware when it grows back....not fun. As for dead skin...loofah!
  • Originally posted by Conniekat8 From someone who has to shave her legs almost every day or every few days: ... Shaving is highly overrrated unles you have lots and lots of hair. Question is, have you tried not shaving for 6 months, and then doing the shave-and-taper combo for a big meet? :D Shaving frequently dulls the "new skin" experience. Then again, this is from a "wooly mammoth" perspective.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Originally posted by mattson Question is, have you tried not shaving for 6 months, and then doing the shave-and-taper combo for a big meet? :D Shaving frequently dulls the "new skin" experience. Then again, this is from a "wooly mammoth" perspective. um, I'm a girl... I can't go without shaving my legs for 6 months. You know, dating is complicated enough. For us girls it's like 'nationals' every day. No leg hair is a clear advantage. I s'ppose it might help a tad with swimming too. ;)
  • I am in the furrier category & shaving definately improves speed(at least with a regular suit or jammers.) I've tried Nair & found it takes to long on long hair. Using clippers first really helps & fresh razors are a must. Plan on using at least 3 & more likely 5. Change razors when you feel an increace in drag,if you don't you will cut yourself. 7
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    A full body suit removes the need for shaving altogether. Makes it almost worth the money, in my opinion . . .
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    From someone who has to shave her legs almost every day or every few days: You just need to get used to the feel of it. Chafing and ingrown hairs are just a pain you end up getting used to. Get one of those pink razors that we girls use for legs, it's made for body hair instrad of facial hair. There is some difference. And get the shaving cream girls use for legs. Shaving is probably highly overrrated unles you have lots and lots of hair. But, hey, if you think it will make you swim faster, then it probably will. (whether the reason is hydrodynamic, or psychological) Just my 2c
  • I bet your rash is uncomfortable! I had a reaction like that to a deodorant. It felt like I was burned. Cortisone cream seamed to really help my rash. It might help you too. I hope you feel better! OK...I can't resist this sexist remark...just like a man to not follow directions!... I'm sorry! I couldn't resist! ;)