I ready an article today that Bary Bonds was going to appear before the BALCO grand jury and in the article it stated this:
"Athletes that already have appeared before the grand jury include track star Marion Jones and her boyfriend, 100-meter world record-holder Tim Montgomery, four Oakland Raiders and Olympic champion swimmer Amy Van Dyken.
An appearance before the grand jury, or being subpoenaed to testify, does not mean an athlete is a target of the probe."
Has anyone heard as to why Amy was subpoenaed or her reaction to being subpoenaed? This whole bay area steriod thing is getting interesting...
She was subpoenaed for the same reason the other athletes were subpoenaed -- she has had contact with BALCO in the past. The prosecuters want to establish a history of dealings with athletes. I hear they are going to make a tax case - just like they did with Al Capone.
It is pretty clear that not all athletes associated with BALCO took illegal supplements - BALCO has legit products, also. Whether Ms. Van Dyken is one of those we can't tell, and I don't think establishing which athletes took illegal supplements is a focus of the prosecution.
She did not make the news when she appeared because the reporters at the court did not recognize her - she was identified from later photographs, I think.
Related, there were no positives for THG from the retests of the Swimming World Championships samples, according to FINA.
Something to note,
FINA went back and retested all the samples from the World Champs this summer. Zero came back positive for THG. Way to go swimmers (AP story yesterday, look it up if you want).
Regarding Van Dyken, when she was an elite swimmer, THG had not yet been produced.
do you realise how many illegal drugs the fish in our rivers and seas are subjected to against their wishes?....they swim still pretty fast compared to me...none drug user....
I was wondering the same thing. I saw the artilcle on Amy on Swim Info and it was there for 1 day only then it was gone and u could not find it again anywhere. I have not had the experience of not being able to find an article again. What's up with this one.
Amy appeared in San Francisco court Nov. 13, testifying before the federal grand jury investigating Balco Laboratories.
I haven’t seen anything since the reports of her court appearance. However, Amy has not been suspected of drug use and is an outspoken proponent of swimming drug free.