
Former Member
Former Member
I can't swim because of grades
  • I find it comical that you now try to redefine your previous statements. You never even mentioned buckling down in your first post, rather you brought up the following: Undiagnosed learning disability Mental retardation Undiagnosed ADD So, what exactly is the process when a student comes in? From your posts it certainly appears buckling down is not the first option, rather it is a battery of disorders that you can pin on someone and get him/her into some pigeon holed group. You brought up this on this post without even knowing JC. As long as you are trying to make diagnoses on this forum, I'll continue to challenge in this forum. I'm also not sure why in the world a school counselor would raise such serious subjects directly with a student in an on-line forum. Is that the protocol or do you ever get the parents involved when talking about complex psychological/psychiatric issues? Have you called JC's folks? Also, since you are a psychologist, you couldn't even prescribe drugs to help if this is ADD. So, I assume you would have to refer to an MD. The internet is long known as a source of both good and bad advice. The unsolicited advise you have provided directly to a minor involving medical issues is deplorable.
  • I find it comical that you now try to redefine your previous statements. You never even mentioned buckling down in your first post, rather you brought up the following: Undiagnosed learning disability Mental retardation Undiagnosed ADD So, what exactly is the process when a student comes in? From your posts it certainly appears buckling down is not the first option, rather it is a battery of disorders that you can pin on someone and get him/her into some pigeon holed group. You brought up this on this post without even knowing JC. As long as you are trying to make diagnoses on this forum, I'll continue to challenge in this forum. I'm also not sure why in the world a school counselor would raise such serious subjects directly with a student in an on-line forum. Is that the protocol or do you ever get the parents involved when talking about complex psychological/psychiatric issues? Have you called JC's folks? Also, since you are a psychologist, you couldn't even prescribe drugs to help if this is ADD. So, I assume you would have to refer to an MD. The internet is long known as a source of both good and bad advice. The unsolicited advise you have provided directly to a minor involving medical issues is deplorable.
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