My wife is suffering pretty badly with severe itchiness and what turns into a rash from swimming at our local pool. (She does have pretty sensitive skin but this isnt normal)
Has anyone dealt with this and with what means? She doesnt want to give up swimming but its getting out of hand. SHe has tried some medications but they make her too drowsy...
Former Member
I am always learning something on this site. I did not know that bromine was used with or instead of chlorine. It is interesting that of the three Y pools I have swum in recently only one seems to activate any allergy-type reaction in the form of sneezing and runny nose. I would have guessed that the same pool owner/management would have the same standards. I di ask the life guard and she said that the chlorine level is not exceptionsally high, but does not know about any other reason for my suffering -- could be bromine for all she knows.
Back to the hair advice ...
If you thoroughly wet your hair with clean water before you put on your cap or get in the pool, I am told that prevents the hair from absorbing as much chlorinated water as it is already saturated. I don't know if it is technically true, but my swimmers swear it works for them.
Bromine pools taste saltier than chlorine pools in my experience ... so that may be a way of telling what the pool system is using. Both make me sneeze!