Chlorine Allergy??

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My wife is suffering pretty badly with severe itchiness and what turns into a rash from swimming at our local pool. (She does have pretty sensitive skin but this isnt normal) Has anyone dealt with this and with what means? She doesnt want to give up swimming but its getting out of hand. SHe has tried some medications but they make her too drowsy... Thanks.
  • Are you sure your pool is using chlorine as opposed to bromine? I know a lot of people who have that reaction to bromine. Also can be something to do with the ph balance - probably other things, but I agree, it's unusual to hear of this with chlorine.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The reaction might not be to chlorine but to chloramines, the compounds formed when chlorine burns up dirt in the water.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Its getting to be winter and the air is dryer in some parts of the country. Dryer air plus swimming (chlorine) plus hot water showers can caush rashes. I would suggest showering after a swim but dont let the water get too hot. Dry then use a lotion. I would also use the lotion after a shower at home and try to avoid lots of hot water and see if the rash goes away. The rash may be aggrevated by hot water..its pretty common.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I do the same thing. Shower IMMEDIATELY after getting out of the pool--run, don't walk to the showers. Shampoo hair first with an anti cholorine shampoo then use one of the anti cholorine soaps to wash with, follow with a good lotion.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    thanks alot, can you recommend a brand for shampoo and soap?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hey Bulldog, She may also want to take a good cleansing shower before she gets into the pool. Chlorine disenfects by reacting/oxidizing - this includes anything on the skin or in (ie in her skin pores). In regards to what to use, there are several brands on the market , Ultra swim seems to be the most visable but I know there are other brands out there. Good luck. Jeff
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    a few things help me: 1. shower BEFORE ... the reason I heard was that the skin will soak up alot of water upon first contact and better it be the tap water than the pool water ... so I really soak it up in the shower first. 2. shower AFTER ... with any soap for me milder the better I've also noticed two things make my reaction (dry & itching) worse: 1. hotter water and 2. higher pH. Most of us have very little control over these, but if there's a choice in pool it's worth looking into. GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    swimsum i didnt know that the skin soaked up water on first contact,i usually shower before entering the pool anyway but what you wrote made good sense i think i'll shower longer tommorrow morning before i swim,then uncle chlorine can take a back seat..
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi Bulldog, I agree with Susan in that it may be bromine instead of chlorine and if so there is probably not much she can do. I react to bromine and no amount of pre- or post showering, lotions, soaps or anything else will make the rash and itching go away (except prednisone). When I swim away from home I always check with the pool operator before I get in. I have also found a loofah + soap to be very helpful in removing the chlorine smell from my skin. I hope she finds relief - there is nothing more miserable than the rash and itching!!!:)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Chlorine is the most common pool chemical. Bromine is used in most hot tubs. Some pools.Bromine is more allergic to the total population then chlorine. Bromine is used in the hot tubs more because it withstands heat better then chlorine.