I turned 16 today(11-15-03) I waited at the DOL(department of licensing for 5 1/2 hours. I took my knowledge test & driving test. I passed!!! I am a licensed driver now!!
I went to the swim meeting yesterday, and the fastest person on the teams' 50 free was 28 sec.(he's the captain) and mine is 25, I am the "all star" of the team. at least what is what everybody keeps telling me:D :) :cool:
Former Member
A driver license is not a RIGHT of passage, it is a privaledge that is earned... I'm amazed that some folks don't remember what it feels like to earn it! Its been 36 years for me and I still remember! So what if it isn't on topic... he has asked questions related to swimming, and because we have treated him with respect in the past, he wanted to share his excitement with us. AGAIN, another great complement!
"Hold on to sixteen as long as you can..."
LOL, now if I can only remember who sang that!
A driver license is not a RIGHT of passage, it is a privaledge that is earned... I'm amazed that some folks don't remember what it feels like to earn it! Its been 36 years for me and I still remember! So what if it isn't on topic... he has asked questions related to swimming, and because we have treated him with respect in the past, he wanted to share his excitement with us. AGAIN, another great complement!
"Hold on to sixteen as long as you can..."
LOL, now if I can only remember who sang that!