Hi everyone:
It is that time of year again and back by popular demand. Yes, it is time to send in your entries for the Check-Off Challenge, this year hosted by Oregon Masters and the USMS Fitness Committee.
The objective of this event is to challenge yourself by making a check list and swimming each of 18 swimming events found in pool competition. The participating swimmer will get a T-shirt in advance, which will list the 18 swimming events on the back. These events will include: 50 free, 100 free, 200 free, 400 or 500 free, 800 or 1000 free, 1500 or 1650 free, 50 back, 100 back, 200 back, 50 ***, 100 ***, 200 ***, 50 fly, 100 fly, 200 fly, 100 IM, 200 IM, 400 IM. As you swim the events, simply check them off on the back of the T-shirt using an indelible marker. You can swim them during practice, or during a swim meet -- any time, any place, at your own pace! The 2004 Check-Off Challenge features a fun T-shirt with a special swimming eye exam. This clever little chart challenges swimmers to "take a closer look" at one of the most dreaded events -- the 200 butterfly!
Details about the 2004 event are available in the September/October, 2003 issue of SWIM Magazine. Information will also be available online at www.usms.org or at the Oregon Masters Swimming website at www.swimoregon.org.
Jody Welborn