A while back there was a thread that discussed the use of a board for kicking - is it good or not. I know that in my case when I use a board my shoulders hurt. It seems to put some weird stresses on the shoulder. So here is my question:
Is there a good way to do the breaststroke kick without a board. I already flutter kick (on my side) and dolphin kick (5 kicks underwater then a quick scull to the surface to breathe). The only thing that I can think of is to do a 2 kick (or 3 or whatever) vs. 1 pull drill on the breaststroke.
Any ideas out there?
Former Member
Hi Paul,
I do a boardless breaststroke kick by holding my arms at my sides. It forces you to use your short axis (wave). You breathe at the same point as if you were pulling. Also, with hands placed alongside the hips, I try to touch my feet on each recovery so that I know my kick is staying as streamline as possible and not going too wide.
We recently did a breaststroke set with a pull buoy that was a great drill for keeping your kick narrow. You had to hold your thighs together to hang on to the pull buoy and really work the rotation on the lower leg to get any propulsion.
Breaststroke is the best stroke! :p