Help boys become interest in swimming

Former Member
Former Member
I think one way to get more boys or teenage boys involved with swimming is by getting states to expect the sport of water polo. My state doesn't do it and a lot of other states don't do polo. But if more states adoptive the sport more young men would be involved with swimming at least in the high school level. Most guys at my high school in California during the 1970's played Water Polo in the summer and fall and swam in the spring. They were in better shape in swimming and could work more yardage than if they swam for only 3 months which is common for states without water polo. Water polo is so popular with teenagers in California that they introduce even girls teams in the 1990's. Most boys like a sport which is similar to hockey except that its in a pool instead of an ice rink. Also, US water polo would gain by having a bigger pool to draw from on their national team instead of 80 percent or more just coming from California.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Well, maybe we should change to boys and girls. As for fashions, my parents generation was shocked by the long hair guys of the 1960's and 1970's. In the 1950's a guy with a real crew cut was suppose to be clean cut. Today, a guy with a shave head is assoicated with a gang. I think the swim wear of Johnny Weismuller's era is strange to most of us under 70 years old. And the old Esther Williams movie million dollar mermaid about the story of an aussie open water swimmer who performed in the hippdrome in New York city in water shows, was arrested in Boston Ma for indecent exposure. Women were required in the very early 20th century to be covered from head to toe and course those type of suits were very hard to swim in.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Well, maybe we should change to boys and girls. As for fashions, my parents generation was shocked by the long hair guys of the 1960's and 1970's. In the 1950's a guy with a real crew cut was suppose to be clean cut. Today, a guy with a shave head is assoicated with a gang. I think the swim wear of Johnny Weismuller's era is strange to most of us under 70 years old. And the old Esther Williams movie million dollar mermaid about the story of an aussie open water swimmer who performed in the hippdrome in New York city in water shows, was arrested in Boston Ma for indecent exposure. Women were required in the very early 20th century to be covered from head to toe and course those type of suits were very hard to swim in.
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