training schedule questions

Former Member
Former Member
Hi Everyone! For those of you who are triathletes I have several questions for you. How many days a week do you swim, run, and bike (for example, swim 2, run 5, etc)? Do you break each down into different days--such as bike one day, run the next--or do you do train events together in the same day? How much time a week do you spend training? For sprint or international distance tri's--how much weekly milage do you do for running, swimming, and biking? Thanks everyone! After more than 2 months of rehabilitative therapy, I'm up to 14 minutes of running on land! It's coming together--and am grateful for all of your advice. Also, the injury is what took me back to swimming--so it's not such a bad deal after all! Jerrycat ;)
  • A question for the triathletes? On the USMS board. You should by now know that triathletes especially new ones are not necessarily well liked in swimming circles. They aren't really well liked in cycling circles either. But to the question. The subject of designing training plans follow the same periodization principles folks follow for swimming but it's a little more to juggle. For olympic distance tri I think you'll find a mid packer trains around 9 to 12 hours per week. There are large deviations either way. A fairly typical week would be one hour to 1:15 every weekday except for one. With long sessions on the weekend. The long session will depend on the length of the triathlon and builds to a peak and then tapers back down before race day. This is a general shotgun estimate. There's a really a lot to consider when making out your annual training plan. The best book to get for planning is the "Triathlete's training bible". It goes through all three sports and all the three main limiters of each (speed, strength and power) and takes you through your yearly plan. You can find lots more info pertinent to triathletes at I'll also answer questions sent to me directly. I hope the running keeps coming along for you.
  • A question for the triathletes? On the USMS board. You should by now know that triathletes especially new ones are not necessarily well liked in swimming circles. They aren't really well liked in cycling circles either. But to the question. The subject of designing training plans follow the same periodization principles folks follow for swimming but it's a little more to juggle. For olympic distance tri I think you'll find a mid packer trains around 9 to 12 hours per week. There are large deviations either way. A fairly typical week would be one hour to 1:15 every weekday except for one. With long sessions on the weekend. The long session will depend on the length of the triathlon and builds to a peak and then tapers back down before race day. This is a general shotgun estimate. There's a really a lot to consider when making out your annual training plan. The best book to get for planning is the "Triathlete's training bible". It goes through all three sports and all the three main limiters of each (speed, strength and power) and takes you through your yearly plan. You can find lots more info pertinent to triathletes at I'll also answer questions sent to me directly. I hope the running keeps coming along for you.
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