motivation on gray cold days

Former Member
Former Member
Hi Gang, So here it is--Fall is upon us, and winter is around the corner. This time of year, when it is dark and gray--and so very cold, I find it difficult to go swim. Maybe it's the getting wet or the getting cold, but I just lack the motivation to get myself going. So, if/when you all have days (God forbid weeks) like this, how do you manage to overcome it, and get yourself swimming? :D Jerrycat
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    So burned out on baseball, that no matter what the weather, I'll go swimming! Just get me out of the house (and away from the TV!). That poor Cubs fan--I wonder if he'll ever live it down. I feel so sorry for that guy! Rain again! How do you Seattle people do it? AT least it's Friday!;) Jerrycat
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    So burned out on baseball, that no matter what the weather, I'll go swimming! Just get me out of the house (and away from the TV!). That poor Cubs fan--I wonder if he'll ever live it down. I feel so sorry for that guy! Rain again! How do you Seattle people do it? AT least it's Friday!;) Jerrycat
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