i have just a few questions:
1. if i register as a masters swimmer in north carolina, can i swim in meets anywhere? do masters meets have invites? or can you register for any meets that you want to?
2. how quickly do masters meets run? like if i went during the school year would i have time to study at meets, or should i just leave my books at home?
3. i want to start running too. ( i know nothing about running) would it be better to run in the morning and swim in the afternoon or swim in the morning and run in the afternoon? or does it not even matter? i was just wondering what worked out best for those of you who do run and swim.
ok i think those are all my questions......for now at least. thanks
Former Member
s far as running first or second...if it were me, I would probably run first, as all you have to do is lace up and go out the door. This could make for a less stressful morning, and eliminate the effort of driving to the pool, getting in the pool, etc.
But at the same time, if you get the swim with early, then all you have to do later is lace up and go.
What about swimming first, and then hitting the tread at the gym?
If you are just starting running, please get good shoes...as exrunner insisted. Also, spend a little bit of money on whorthwhile socks, and clothing. It will help you to be more comfortable, and will keep away blisters and painful rubbing/chaffing. And, at first, a good way to start is to walk 5 minutes, and run 5 minutes, and so on for 25 or 30 minutes. Do that 3 times a week the first two weeks. And, if running 5 minutes is to much, just do what you can and build up.
The third week, gradually minus the walking time to 4 minutes, and run 6 minutes. Take you time building up, as the running community is littered with hundreds of inured runners, and you don't want to be one of them--trust me!
As a general rule, mileage should not be increased more than 10% each week. This increase should apply over two runs.
Also, buy a good running book and read it. It could save you from severe injuries...the New York Road Runner's Club is excellent. (that may not be the exact title, but it's something like that, and it is a huge book, that gives you all you need to know).
s far as running first or second...if it were me, I would probably run first, as all you have to do is lace up and go out the door. This could make for a less stressful morning, and eliminate the effort of driving to the pool, getting in the pool, etc.
But at the same time, if you get the swim with early, then all you have to do later is lace up and go.
What about swimming first, and then hitting the tread at the gym?
If you are just starting running, please get good shoes...as exrunner insisted. Also, spend a little bit of money on whorthwhile socks, and clothing. It will help you to be more comfortable, and will keep away blisters and painful rubbing/chaffing. And, at first, a good way to start is to walk 5 minutes, and run 5 minutes, and so on for 25 or 30 minutes. Do that 3 times a week the first two weeks. And, if running 5 minutes is to much, just do what you can and build up.
The third week, gradually minus the walking time to 4 minutes, and run 6 minutes. Take you time building up, as the running community is littered with hundreds of inured runners, and you don't want to be one of them--trust me!
As a general rule, mileage should not be increased more than 10% each week. This increase should apply over two runs.
Also, buy a good running book and read it. It could save you from severe injuries...the New York Road Runner's Club is excellent. (that may not be the exact title, but it's something like that, and it is a huge book, that gives you all you need to know).