people who learn the strokes as adults

Former Member
Former Member
I learn the four strokes as a kid. But what is it like for you that learned it as adults. I was amazed that some adults are like age groupers better at some strokes than others.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    it is hard to gauge how I am doing as I have only competed twice since I learned three years ago. My fly split on the 400 IM(yards) was 1:31.00, I have swum 1:37 *** in practice, and 1:40 back. Free is around 1:15-1:17. 100 IM is around 1:20, 200 IM 3:20. Still so far from those National times, but I got into this for fitness, it has been fun to get faster in my 40's since I never swam before this. When I took lessons at 38, I could do a form of freestlye with my head up, could not do any of the other strokes, and it took me 6 months to be able to swim farther than a 100 and that 100 took me 3:00! :) I did not start out of shape, as I have been a life long exerciser. The boast in times this year has been a 35 pound weight loss. Makes a big difference.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    it is hard to gauge how I am doing as I have only competed twice since I learned three years ago. My fly split on the 400 IM(yards) was 1:31.00, I have swum 1:37 *** in practice, and 1:40 back. Free is around 1:15-1:17. 100 IM is around 1:20, 200 IM 3:20. Still so far from those National times, but I got into this for fitness, it has been fun to get faster in my 40's since I never swam before this. When I took lessons at 38, I could do a form of freestlye with my head up, could not do any of the other strokes, and it took me 6 months to be able to swim farther than a 100 and that 100 took me 3:00! :) I did not start out of shape, as I have been a life long exerciser. The boast in times this year has been a 35 pound weight loss. Makes a big difference.
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