I learn the four strokes as a kid. But what is it like for you that learned it as adults. I was amazed that some adults are like age groupers better at some strokes than others.
Former Member
Jeff, on another post breaststrokers are weak backstrokers, it was discussed that shorter people tend to do better with breaststroke. The top male breastroker is from Japan. And most American swimmers are of European descent. Europeans tend to be taller. Granted, European countries have a tradition of learning breaststroke first but in the US Free is usually learned first. Also, the only person of Mexican descent to win gold a medal at the 1968 olympics was in the 200 meter breaststroker. That was the only gold medal that Mexico won in swimming. And Mexicans are as we know are descented both from an asian people that came centuries ago from Asia to North America and Spainards-Europeans.
Jeff, on another post breaststrokers are weak backstrokers, it was discussed that shorter people tend to do better with breaststroke. The top male breastroker is from Japan. And most American swimmers are of European descent. Europeans tend to be taller. Granted, European countries have a tradition of learning breaststroke first but in the US Free is usually learned first. Also, the only person of Mexican descent to win gold a medal at the 1968 olympics was in the 200 meter breaststroker. That was the only gold medal that Mexico won in swimming. And Mexicans are as we know are descented both from an asian people that came centuries ago from Asia to North America and Spainards-Europeans.