Masters newsletter publishing poll

Former Member
Former Member
If your local masters club or LMSC issues a newsletter, how do they publish it? 1. Printed on paper & conventionally mailed only. 2. Via the internet or email only. 3. Both internet/email and printed on paper & conventionally mailed.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, Ken! Thought I pop in and reply how we do it in Colorado. We used to send it snail mail exclusively...then a couple of years ago we published is exclusively on the website. The feedback we got from that was tremendous AGAINST website/email only. Last year we made it an option to 'opt out' of snail mail newsletters and view on the web when you register. About 100 or so of the 1800 here in Colorado chose to view only via web. In fact, many who are self-described computer geeks have commented to me that the enjoy getting it snail mail. Many of our members do not have access to the internet or choose not to use the internet and have snail mailed me letters or called me requesting that we continue to provide it snail mail. We (our LMSC board) all decided that we would serve our membership and snail mail to all but those who specifically request website only. --Cindy, Colorado LMSC President and Newsletter Editor
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, Ken! Thought I pop in and reply how we do it in Colorado. We used to send it snail mail exclusively...then a couple of years ago we published is exclusively on the website. The feedback we got from that was tremendous AGAINST website/email only. Last year we made it an option to 'opt out' of snail mail newsletters and view on the web when you register. About 100 or so of the 1800 here in Colorado chose to view only via web. In fact, many who are self-described computer geeks have commented to me that the enjoy getting it snail mail. Many of our members do not have access to the internet or choose not to use the internet and have snail mailed me letters or called me requesting that we continue to provide it snail mail. We (our LMSC board) all decided that we would serve our membership and snail mail to all but those who specifically request website only. --Cindy, Colorado LMSC President and Newsletter Editor
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