Good site to convert times, LC, SCM, SCY

Former Member
Former Member
I'm looking for a site that converts between all three pool lengths. I have the one from SwimInfo and that seems like the best. I also have this one which almost agrees with the SwimInfo one on free times but they vary with the other strokes. Are there any other sites or programs out there that are better?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Its close. I did a 1:44.85 short course meter breaststroke and then a 1:34.5 short course yard breaststroke. As a kid my best meter time was 1:30 and 1:16.1 in yards. I should have swam faster in meters but I usually average 1:18 in yards which is similar to a 1:30 meter time. Neil Walker and elite swimmers are different, they usually only swim 7 seconds or 8 seonds faster yards than meters. However, there are exceptions, Natalie Couglin swam a 49.9 in 100 yard backstroke and only a 59.0 in 100 meter backstroke. And some people out there swim meters better than yards.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I always find these things facinatingly way off. Put in Neil Walker's 100Y backstroke time. It converts to a 51.70. Are you kidding me! There is merit in these kind of programs. Just not in the way they are used. They should not be called converters or calculators. They do neither. They compare. Example: This summer I went a 25.9 in the 50M free. That compares to a 22.61 in yards. If I were to compete at naitonals, a 25.9 would place me (overall) approximately 20th. If the same field were to swim the race in yards, a 22.61 should also place approximately 20th. In reality I am a better meters swimmer, and I would probably go a 22.8 and finish approx 25th. So as a comparison, a 25.9 is probably about the same as a 22.6 but that doesn't mean I should expect to swim that fast.