USMS is considering a bid for the 2006 FINA Master's World Championships to be held at Stanford University, Palo Alto California. The swim meet would take place over about seven day. If you were going to swim there, where would you like to stay:
San Francisco - about 30 miles - 45 minutes away
Palo Alto - 1-4 miles from the pool venue
San Jose -about 20 Miles away - 30 minutes
Former Member
Oh, another thought....
Mayeb through some other school and sports organizations you guys can organize families hosting swimmers.
If I recall some of the clubs qualify as non-profit... Could you make it so that highschool kids get community service points for hosting athletes? I know down in this ares kids need certain amount of community service points just to graduate highschool, aand being that it's an international event, you could trump up it up as a chance to meet people from all over the world.
I wouldn't know how to start pulling that off... but I'm hoping you guys do. Isn't it done all the time with exchange students and similar? I know my aunt has hosted an exchange student for a semester.
Oh, another thought....
Mayeb through some other school and sports organizations you guys can organize families hosting swimmers.
If I recall some of the clubs qualify as non-profit... Could you make it so that highschool kids get community service points for hosting athletes? I know down in this ares kids need certain amount of community service points just to graduate highschool, aand being that it's an international event, you could trump up it up as a chance to meet people from all over the world.
I wouldn't know how to start pulling that off... but I'm hoping you guys do. Isn't it done all the time with exchange students and similar? I know my aunt has hosted an exchange student for a semester.