2006 Worlds - Where to stay

USMS is considering a bid for the 2006 FINA Master's World Championships to be held at Stanford University, Palo Alto California. The swim meet would take place over about seven day. If you were going to swim there, where would you like to stay: San Francisco - about 30 miles - 45 minutes away Palo Alto - 1-4 miles from the pool venue San Jose -about 20 Miles away - 30 minutes
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I didn't say the whole place is a ghetto or barrio. But there are low income areas with public housing or people that live under rent control. I use to live in Orange County California while that place is more of a suburban area- the Santa Ana-Anaheim area has its barrios and people that are so poor they can't even afford to rent an apartment and live in motels. Its housing isn't as high as the bay area but its pretty high.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I didn't say the whole place is a ghetto or barrio. But there are low income areas with public housing or people that live under rent control. I use to live in Orange County California while that place is more of a suburban area- the Santa Ana-Anaheim area has its barrios and people that are so poor they can't even afford to rent an apartment and live in motels. Its housing isn't as high as the bay area but its pretty high.
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