This was on the British swim coaches web site and details a visit by one of the UK's top coaches to North Baltimore swim club.
This was written before Michaels amazing performance at the World's.
The link denison nbac.htm
Former Member
Well, Santa Clara about 40 years ago show the best way for a club team to have success. First, locate it in the suburbs of a large metro area where most people are either middle to upper-middle class. People who live in such neigborhoods usually can afford to pay for club dues. Also, it is an area which probably is more likely to have the pool facilities rather than a rural one. But in the future with the development of portable pools,maybe this will become less of a requirement. North Balitmore, Curl-Burke and Irvine Nova fit the criteria of what Santa Clara did 40 years ago.
Well, Santa Clara about 40 years ago show the best way for a club team to have success. First, locate it in the suburbs of a large metro area where most people are either middle to upper-middle class. People who live in such neigborhoods usually can afford to pay for club dues. Also, it is an area which probably is more likely to have the pool facilities rather than a rural one. But in the future with the development of portable pools,maybe this will become less of a requirement. North Balitmore, Curl-Burke and Irvine Nova fit the criteria of what Santa Clara did 40 years ago.