Did you participate in this year's Waikiki Roughwater Swim?

Former Member
Former Member
Did you participate in this year's Waikiki Roughwater Swim? If so, we may be interested in hearing about your experience for possible inclusion in a story we are planning for an upcoming issue of SWIM Magazine. We would like to hear from those who finished, as well as those who did not. If you are willing to respond to a few questions about the swim, please contact us via e-mail at: Bill volckening: swimeditor@usms.org or Phil Whitten: philw@swiminfo.com When contacting us, please send: your name your hometown your age group one or two sentences describing how you felt about the swim. Please keep it brief, and please DO NOT POST RESPONSES TO THIS FORUM. Once we have heard from a representative group, we will contact only those swimmers we would like to interview for the story. We will most likely contact those swimmers on September 15th or later. Thank-you in advance for your participation in this process. Bill Volckening USMS Editor SWIM Magazine