Are their any good exercises that can increase my vital capacity so that i could swim longer with less air? Does just swimming increase someones vital capacity? please answer this if you read it
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I don't know whether this is on the subject directly or not, but during my recent hip replacement my anesthesiologist gave me an intriguing gadget called a volumetric exerciser which was said to help "develop, improve, and maintain respiratory fitness..." "designed to encourage you to perform the exercises prescribed by your physician." " see your progress toward improving your inspiratory volume". "Deep breaths are necessary to reach and expand the small air sacs of your lungs".
Having said that. I don't have any clear idea how it might apply to competetive swimmers. Accompanying this VOLDYNE 500 is a predictive nomogram scaled from 1250 to 5000 mL. based on age and height in inches.
Any knowledgeable thoughts about connecting this to the "vital capacity" in this discussion?
I don't know whether this is on the subject directly or not, but during my recent hip replacement my anesthesiologist gave me an intriguing gadget called a volumetric exerciser which was said to help "develop, improve, and maintain respiratory fitness..." "designed to encourage you to perform the exercises prescribed by your physician." " see your progress toward improving your inspiratory volume". "Deep breaths are necessary to reach and expand the small air sacs of your lungs".
Having said that. I don't have any clear idea how it might apply to competetive swimmers. Accompanying this VOLDYNE 500 is a predictive nomogram scaled from 1250 to 5000 mL. based on age and height in inches.
Any knowledgeable thoughts about connecting this to the "vital capacity" in this discussion?