I read the post a few threads down about foggy googles. I'm having the same problem. Only I've been swimming for about 3 months and I've used the same pair since I started. The problem is not only constant fogginess, but they just dont seem to fit right anymore. Even when I stop after intervals, and I flush water through them, the second I put them back on they are foggy, I can barely see the lane lines, or the other swimmers in my lane. Is it time to get a new pair?
Former Member
I have found that good ole saliva works as well as the anti-fog spray from Speedo and it is free. Just lick the inside of the goggles and you are good to go. Repeat as needed!
I have found that good ole saliva works as well as the anti-fog spray from Speedo and it is free. Just lick the inside of the goggles and you are good to go. Repeat as needed!