Enjoyed the articles about us ordinary people

Former Member
Former Member
I like the article in swim Magazine about Rita Egan and Sylvia powell. These women are not your typical slim young swimmers that are elite swimmers but like the rest of us ordinary. Actually, given my previous background in swimming I'm also won of these average jills. As a youth I swam the 100 meter *** at 1:30 and as a 46 at 1:43.31. So, many of us do it for enjoyment and some exercise knowing that we will never be at the top of the pack. I think we should have more of these stories?. And Ion believe me you are not that bad. You did a 2:31 200 meter freestyle. I recently swam a 3:15. So don't feel bad and their is alot more competition in the men than in the women in 45 to 49. Not saying that their are not good swimmers in the women.
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