do you have an off season

Former Member
Former Member
For those of you who race in meets, and tri's: Do you swim all year, or do you take an off season--say one to 3 months--where there is no swimming at all? Jerrycat :D
  • Hi Jerrycat, Yes, I believe in "Breaks". A mental break is as much needed as a physical one. As LBJ said and I agree with him "Off" means swimming about 1/2 hour easy 3x's a week, concentrating on drills. Also, weight training and stretching to prevent shoulder injuries several times a week and some running just because it is something different.
  • Hi Jerrycat, Yes, I believe in "Breaks". A mental break is as much needed as a physical one. As LBJ said and I agree with him "Off" means swimming about 1/2 hour easy 3x's a week, concentrating on drills. Also, weight training and stretching to prevent shoulder injuries several times a week and some running just because it is something different.
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