Should FINA change these Rules on Back and Breaststroke
Former Member
I saw this on the swim info site: . The Aussie coach Forbes Carlisle proposes changes to two rules that are not consistently applied resulting in some swimmers being disqualified , while others " get away " with breaking the rules.
In Backstroke: {The turning rule should be changed so that once the swimmer's head reaches the 5 meter rope, he or she should be permitted to turn from the back and kick or glide towards the wall whilst in the prone position. }
In Breaststroke; {Radical as it may sound, the solution to this potentially unfair situation where some swimmers are DQed and the lucky ones escape with a slightly improved time, is for FINA to change the rule and permit all competitors to make one dolphin kick underwater at the start and turns.}
In the recent " worlds" Katajima ( Japan) clearly broke the Breaststroke rule on his semi final by taking a clear dolphin kick on his breakout. Not to take anything away from what was a great swim in the final.
I think that the coach is right, any views.