Why does exercise control appetite?

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Former Member
I've read that regular aerobic exercise actually helps keep hunger in check. I've noticed this myself -- for several hours after a (modest) workout, I am satisfied by small, light meals. Anybody know the physiological basis for this effect? Something to do with neurotransmitters?
  • Two reasons why you might be hungrier after swimming (vs running): 1) Swimming doesn't jostle your inner organs as much as running. So your stomach will be ready sooner. :p 2) Swimming lowers your skin temperature more (once you stop exercising). I've read (sorry don't remember where) that being cold causes the body to want to build up fat reserves. All the more reason to jump in a hot tub after practice. :D
  • Two reasons why you might be hungrier after swimming (vs running): 1) Swimming doesn't jostle your inner organs as much as running. So your stomach will be ready sooner. :p 2) Swimming lowers your skin temperature more (once you stop exercising). I've read (sorry don't remember where) that being cold causes the body to want to build up fat reserves. All the more reason to jump in a hot tub after practice. :D
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