My local pool has just raised the water temp to 30 ' C ( 86 ' F ) ! At this temp I am exhausted after 4 lengths. A full workout of 60 to 90 mins is impossible without suffering heat exhaustion. They have already had 1 swimmer collapse on poolside after swimming hard for 40 mins.
This has happened because a ' disabled swim group ' who use the pool for 45 mins once a week keep complaining about how cold the pool is. The pool management can't figure out the pool temp software so the temp is set that high for 24/7. It used to be 27' C ( 80.6' F ) and was then raised to 28'C (82.4 ' F ) 1 year ago.
I can't set workouts for my club that cause heat distress if carried out so it is a nightmare. My training is on hold until i can change this and I will have to move my masters club to another pool if not changed. Maybe ' Shaky's ' pool has space for us ?
Emmet Hines in his book says that 82 ' F ( 27.7' C ) is ideal for training, and that anything over 84' F ( 28.4 ' C ) is too hot.
Does anyone else suffer through hot water temperatures ? Can anyone recommend online research that I can use to prove the dangers of excercising in hot water ?
Former Member
Like a lot of the other posts here, it's the water aerobes that cause it with their complaining. If they would MOVE a bit in the water instead of sitting on their noodle things and having a watery gossip session........
About a month ago we had a lot of rain, which cooled the pool off to the point where it was beginning to feel comfortable. Alas, in spite of the fact that this is FLORIDA and it was JULY, the powers that be turned on the heat in the pool. I complained about the waste of money and resources in heating a pool in FLORIDA in JULY, but, as you might expect, it fell on deaf ears. I mean the weather forecast was for sunny with a high in the 90s for heaven sakes.
Another problem with my pool is that the thermometer is off by about three degrees. They keep the pool at least 82, which is really 85. I offered to buy and donate a new thermometer but was told they were happy with the one they have, which is so old it is held together with tape.
When time permits I drive an extra 25 miles to a cooler pool.
Like a lot of the other posts here, it's the water aerobes that cause it with their complaining. If they would MOVE a bit in the water instead of sitting on their noodle things and having a watery gossip session........
About a month ago we had a lot of rain, which cooled the pool off to the point where it was beginning to feel comfortable. Alas, in spite of the fact that this is FLORIDA and it was JULY, the powers that be turned on the heat in the pool. I complained about the waste of money and resources in heating a pool in FLORIDA in JULY, but, as you might expect, it fell on deaf ears. I mean the weather forecast was for sunny with a high in the 90s for heaven sakes.
Another problem with my pool is that the thermometer is off by about three degrees. They keep the pool at least 82, which is really 85. I offered to buy and donate a new thermometer but was told they were happy with the one they have, which is so old it is held together with tape.
When time permits I drive an extra 25 miles to a cooler pool.