College Swim Team Maybe???

Former Member
Former Member
Hey, I haven't had a good swimming workout since December 2002 when my High School swim team fell through. Thats about 8 months without a good workout. I was pretty good in high school a few county appearances and almost a state. I swim all the strokes and I want to improve but I know that I will need a lot of work also. I want to start swimming again this year in college and maybe join the University swim team by next year. My question here is does anyone have any good tips for someone who has been out of swimming for awhile and to stay motivated while swimming? And my second question is does anyone have good swimming or dryland workouts or tips that I could use to make the college team by next year? You could email me at Thanks, Matt
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I disagree again, this person is not in college yet. They should do a USA team until college and a summer program. But their is a big gap in college. Someone is almost state is a long ways from many college swimmers in time. In my state a 1:13 girl's breaststroker in the bigger school division didn't make state. And one coach comment that many swimmers in our state that swim around that time would not make a college team since most swimming programs in Arizona are division 1 and many colleges probably have time standards to make the team. Another swimmer stated that she didn't make the college team. So, an almost state swimmer should look at slower college programs or community college programs first.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I disagree again, this person is not in college yet. They should do a USA team until college and a summer program. But their is a big gap in college. Someone is almost state is a long ways from many college swimmers in time. In my state a 1:13 girl's breaststroker in the bigger school division didn't make state. And one coach comment that many swimmers in our state that swim around that time would not make a college team since most swimming programs in Arizona are division 1 and many colleges probably have time standards to make the team. Another swimmer stated that she didn't make the college team. So, an almost state swimmer should look at slower college programs or community college programs first.
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