Masters Levels???

Former Member
Former Member
I was reading some of the old threads and noticed someone stating they were at a Master Level do you determine what level you are at?? Is it listed somewhere on this site, I did a search but didn't find anything. Can anyone help me out?? Thanks in advance!!! :confused:
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I think that's a reference to the workout database on (which shows workouts for Masters at "levels" 1,2 and 3). If so, the levels are just an informal guide to the intensity and difficulty of the workout. Essentially, they're self-selected -- you would decide which level is appropriate for you, based on the intervals and yardage shown and your own estimate of what you can do.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I think that's a reference to the workout database on (which shows workouts for Masters at "levels" 1,2 and 3). If so, the levels are just an informal guide to the intensity and difficulty of the workout. Essentially, they're self-selected -- you would decide which level is appropriate for you, based on the intervals and yardage shown and your own estimate of what you can do.
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