A quick dual comment about synchronized swimming:
A) it's ridiculous in so many ways, from the constant smiling and ultra enunciated, Prussian body language, to the nearly hissy-fit splashing frenzy and nose clips that make these women look like painter Wilhem De Kooning's weasel women models
B) despite this, the top practitioners of the sport make it also one of the most amazing displays of human talent you can imagine
Did any of you see the Martin Short/Harry Shearer male synchronized swimming spoof on SNL? A classic. This shows how easy it is to lampoon the sport.
On the other hand, I watched some of the FINA coverage of SS last week, and I am still in awe that our species is capable of execting such maneurvers in such perfect synchrony.
Utterly unbeliveable. Maybe USMS should have a synchronized swimming competition at one of the national championships. If they open this up to any one who wants to do it, are there any 50-54 year old males who would like to form a team with me? I think we should be allowed to use snorkels, though. Or scuba tanks.
Syncro swimmers are the ones that didn't make the swimming or diving teams. Polo players are the best swimmers who also like to beat people up while swimming.
Swimmers don't like divers due to the weird small towels they use. Swimmers don't like polo players but respect them out of fear they will whizz one of those balls as us while swimming laps. Polo players know this fear factor and date the syncro swimmers. I don't know if the women polo players date the male synchro swimmers but I doubt it strongly.
So, in summary, this is all pointless rambling because hockey players are the most fit athletes because they do syncro swimming on a frozen pool.
Here's the real question. Why do the best swimmers tend to wear the body suits (i.e. Thorpe) but the best divers wear the smallest, most undersized Speedos they can find?
I've always said that the most fit athletes were synchro swimmers - they are underwater doing difficult maneuvers for far longer than most swimmers can. (Most of us still breath out of our turns because we lack the capacity to swim without oxygen). They also have amazing strength - they are able to propel either their entire torso out of the water or their entire lower half. Most swimmers have difficulty treading water with their arms above the surface.
BUT - it is really silly to debate this. We don't have to belittle other sports to make us look or feel better. Most people who do not swim think that it is pretty silly swimming up and down over a black line for hours a week and then racing just to beat a personal best- especially those swimmers who are not and will never be Olympic swimmers. They view us doing this for recreation - not as athletes. We need to work to change this view of our sport rather than spending energy degrading other aquatic sports.
I think it's just awesome to be involved in things period. those guys flying through the air on dirt bikes seem crazy to me--but you know what? they're doing something athletic, and sticking to it. I can appreciate that. Same with us, same with syncho swimmers. In this day and age, where 60% of the population is seriously overweight--anybody doing activity gets kudos in my book.
All I know is that if I tried to suspend upsidedown in the water while doing swirling leg kicks, I would choke and sink to the bottom of the pool. Those that can do it--horay for you! Just don't get upset if I laugh at the activity and gasp in amazement at the same time.
And, if you're flying through the air on a dirt bike while doing a handstand on the handle bars--yes, I would think that you've got to be in good shape to do that--plus crazy in the brain.
It's all good :cool:
I think it's fun we can talk about our opinions.
dirt bike riders are just like equestrians-along for the ride while something else does the work.
syncro is to swimming like sumo is to wrestling. sure it's a sport but what is the point.
aquageek you kill me. i was laughing out loud at your post!
The 2004 Synchro Olympic Team has already been selected and they do their swim training with us at 6 AM at the International Swim Center in Santa Clara. After the masters workout they do pilates, weights, dance, and then about 6 more hours in the pool. They leave the pool around 7 PM. They are incredible athletes and I have the upmost respect for them---and they are FAST! I remember a comment PH Mullin (author of 'Gold in the Water') made one day at workout. 'Jeeze, first the tri's are beating me, now the synchro's.'
syncro swimming is to traditional swimming
figure skating is to speed skating
its a hell of a lot harder than it looks and combines art with sports and athletics.
When you point out the fact that many sycro swimmers have to do yards to stay in shape, doesn't that prove that 'regular' swimming is the more difficult sport? I do totally agree that it is way more difficult sport than it looks, but come on!
Without a doubt, syncho swimming requires a talented athlete. However, it makes me crack up, and watch in amazement at the same time.
I laugh and gasp--thinking: that looks so silly! How in the world do they do that (gasp)? it's a miracle! Just one of the dichotamies of life! ;)
Have a great day!