an embarrassing question.

Former Member
Former Member
:( This directed to all the women out there who ride bikes in Triathlons. How can you prevent the total soreness between your legs (you know what l mean) after a long bike ride? l have noticed that l get so damm sore right down there when l go for long distances. l have a Triathlon this comming Sunday and l am still a little sore. Is there anything that I am doing wrong? Is it the seat? Is it the hight of the seat? Please, please, l need some feed back on this subject. l love doing this, but, my God! it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, fellow women Triathlets, give me some sugestions on this subject. l will for ever be grateful! l know that the bike seats are not the most comfortable ones in the world but this is so ridiculous. Also, l am going to buy some biking shorts, some with a little padding. The ones l ride with have no padding. Maybe this is the problem. l dont know. Any way, thanks for any information on this. Maria.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The "Padded shorts and Gel Seat" is good advice. I use a Lady's Italia seat, somewhat streamlined but not too much. It does have a slit in the center, but I can't say what make this seat comfortable and the best I have had. I used to have a nice fat cushy seat, but the Italia one is more comfortable. At the other extreme, I tried a sleek hard racing seat that came with my new bike. That seat was gone within a week. Ouch. I recommend expensive Pearl Izumi bike shorts or the equivalent. One day I did a 100-mile training ride in old mountain bike shorts I had. It was miserable. I never found a comfortable spot on the bike to sit, and I paid for it for days afterwards. Two weeks later I rode a 200-mile bike ride in my Pearl Izumi road bike shorts and felt fine, or relatively fine, considering everything hurt a bit after that distance.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The "Padded shorts and Gel Seat" is good advice. I use a Lady's Italia seat, somewhat streamlined but not too much. It does have a slit in the center, but I can't say what make this seat comfortable and the best I have had. I used to have a nice fat cushy seat, but the Italia one is more comfortable. At the other extreme, I tried a sleek hard racing seat that came with my new bike. That seat was gone within a week. Ouch. I recommend expensive Pearl Izumi bike shorts or the equivalent. One day I did a 100-mile training ride in old mountain bike shorts I had. It was miserable. I never found a comfortable spot on the bike to sit, and I paid for it for days afterwards. Two weeks later I rode a 200-mile bike ride in my Pearl Izumi road bike shorts and felt fine, or relatively fine, considering everything hurt a bit after that distance.
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