:( This directed to all the women out there who ride bikes in Triathlons.
How can you prevent the total soreness between your legs (you know what l mean) after a long bike ride? l have noticed that l get so damm sore right down there when l go for long distances. l have a Triathlon this comming Sunday and l am still a little sore. Is there anything that I am doing wrong? Is it the seat? Is it the hight of the seat? Please, please, l need some feed back on this subject. l love doing this, but, my God! it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, fellow women Triathlets, give me some sugestions on this subject. l will for ever be grateful! l know that the bike seats are not the most comfortable ones in the world but this is so ridiculous. Also, l am going to buy some biking shorts, some with a little padding. The ones l ride with have no padding. Maybe this is the problem. l dont know. Any way, thanks for any information on this.
Former Member
I use the bike seat with the hollowed out center and find it more comfortable than any other seat that I have used. I also keep my rides short, nothing over 2 hours, and stand up at regular intervals. I read the article that Jim cited, I think it was several years ago that it appeared in a bicycling magazine. You can't be scared by all these studies. Many people are riding and not suffering those problems. Make sure your bike is sized right for you, wear padded shorts, and try some different saddles. Terry makes them specifically for women. PS, are you watching the Tour d France on OLN TV, the commentators, Phil, Paul and Rob teach a lot about the sport during the shows. Keep on riding. Cathy
I use the bike seat with the hollowed out center and find it more comfortable than any other seat that I have used. I also keep my rides short, nothing over 2 hours, and stand up at regular intervals. I read the article that Jim cited, I think it was several years ago that it appeared in a bicycling magazine. You can't be scared by all these studies. Many people are riding and not suffering those problems. Make sure your bike is sized right for you, wear padded shorts, and try some different saddles. Terry makes them specifically for women. PS, are you watching the Tour d France on OLN TV, the commentators, Phil, Paul and Rob teach a lot about the sport during the shows. Keep on riding. Cathy