Re-organizing Masters

Former Member
Former Member
How do you feel about copying the kid's swimming method of organizing Masters by time standards?? For example, there would be A, B and C times for all ages and both sexes. Local meets would be either A, A/B, B, B/C, C or OPEN. There could be Championships for any of these categories at the LMSC level. To go to Regionals would require having made a new category, the Regional time. National entrantrants would come from the Regional pool or perhaps from the "A" pool. I'm ambivalent on this as it seems too unwieldy at this early stage of our development but does answer the needs of folks who are looking for the mythical level playing field. Emmett; we could still have the "Mediocre" Champs as an extra event (suggested in your earlier post). Since there are 26 letters in the alphabet, we could go an even larger number of categories with an ever declining number of swimmers. (Avoiding, of course, the politically incorrect "F" time standard.) Heck, I can see a day when EVERYONE wins something !
  • Ken, my concern is that in trying a meet like this once and making a decision wouldn't really give it a fair shot. USMS needs to make commitment for several years to see how successful it would work. Masters is growing, people have expressed concern over championship meets getting to big, seems fairly logical to add a 3rd meet to the calender for a few years and see how it develops. If we tie in regional meets leading up to our three national meets it would give everyone quite a few chances to compete at a pretty high level. SCM format provides a lot more options for places to hold such a meet (vs. LCM). Stanford is hosting its first major meet this August (IGLA) in SCM format in its new facitlity. Still waiting to hear from someone at USMS?!
  • Ken, my concern is that in trying a meet like this once and making a decision wouldn't really give it a fair shot. USMS needs to make commitment for several years to see how successful it would work. Masters is growing, people have expressed concern over championship meets getting to big, seems fairly logical to add a 3rd meet to the calender for a few years and see how it develops. If we tie in regional meets leading up to our three national meets it would give everyone quite a few chances to compete at a pretty high level. SCM format provides a lot more options for places to hold such a meet (vs. LCM). Stanford is hosting its first major meet this August (IGLA) in SCM format in its new facitlity. Still waiting to hear from someone at USMS?!
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