Orthopedic Advise?

After an unscheduled trip to the emergency room Friday night (my ankle was so swollen I couldn't walk), come to find out that I have a: "non-displaced posterior malleour fracture w/ligament injury and displaced talus" in my right ankle. Go figure, I've been walking/riding/swimming, etc for over 3 months on the stupid thing thinking that it was a marginal sprain! Question now is are there any Doc's out there that can share what options I'm faced with? (can't get in to see an orthopedic surgeon for another week). Phil, I was REALLY looking forward to that 50 back race with you in Santa Cruz next month, looks like we might have to reschedule!
  • Paul, I'm so sorry this happened to you! I broke my left forearm several years ago, and the orthopedist told me to go ahead and swim (obviously, it was in a removable splint, and it wasn't a displaced fracture). He said it wouldn't cause any more damage, and it might speed healing. I can't say that I was actually training, because I couldn't get much of a "grip" on the water, but at least I didn't totally lose my endurance. I did a LOT of kicking. I think that break did heal quicker than some other breaks I've had, and it certainly helped me keep my sanity to be able to get in the water! Good luck! Meg
  • Paul, I'm so sorry this happened to you! I broke my left forearm several years ago, and the orthopedist told me to go ahead and swim (obviously, it was in a removable splint, and it wasn't a displaced fracture). He said it wouldn't cause any more damage, and it might speed healing. I can't say that I was actually training, because I couldn't get much of a "grip" on the water, but at least I didn't totally lose my endurance. I did a LOT of kicking. I think that break did heal quicker than some other breaks I've had, and it certainly helped me keep my sanity to be able to get in the water! Good luck! Meg
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