What can I expect from Masters training?

Former Member
Former Member
Hi, I know that this is going to sound kind of weird, but here goes.I currently swim/train on my own.I swim 4 times a week doing 2000/2500 metres a session.However, I have noticed that although I have introduced drills into my training programme,I feel that I am not really progressing as much as I should with the amount of training that I am doing.I am very seriously considering joining my local Masters club at Beckenham,in the UK.My question is this.What kind of drills would a Masters club do?Would they help me work on my stroke length?Would I be able to see a significant improvement in my swimming to make the committment worthwhile?Also I am scared that I will not be as good a swimmer as most of the others and that I will lag behind and look stupid.How do I overcome all of these negative emotions going through my head?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    JTee/Jerrycat, Thanks for your encouragement.I actually went along on Monday evening to check out what drills and stuff that they did.It seems that you can concentrate on particular aspects and the coach will let you practice until you are happy.As you both said "nothing ventured nothing gained".Once again thanks for the positive encouragement,it means a lt to me.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    JTee/Jerrycat, Thanks for your encouragement.I actually went along on Monday evening to check out what drills and stuff that they did.It seems that you can concentrate on particular aspects and the coach will let you practice until you are happy.As you both said "nothing ventured nothing gained".Once again thanks for the positive encouragement,it means a lt to me.
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