Grant Hackett video clips

Former Member
Former Member
Hi, I am trying to find video clips of Grant Hackett,either swimming the 400m free or 1500 free.Does anybody know of websites that might have these?? Thanks
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I don't know about current video clips on the web, but I think I downloaded a couple off the web shortly after the 2000 Olympics. I'll have to check my home computer, and get back to you. Matt
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    You can click on the following link... There are several clips of Hackett and Thorpe side by side. P.S. If you ever wanted to see a classic example of a front quadrant swimmer,..take a close look at Thorpe. He's got an amazingly fast "catch-up" style stroke...which I still say is great for distance swimmers, but not necessarily for the sprinters.:cool:
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi Vallhallan, Thanks for those links.I too noticed the "Front Quadrant Swimming" style of Ian Thorpe with his catch-up stroke style.I am tring to adapt to this style myself as my main event is 400m Free.I first read about this style when I saw some articles written by Emmett Hines.They really made me realise that it is the most effective way to swim.By adopting this style,my stroke count per 25m lap has dropped by 6 stokes in 2 weeks.