Tempe Nationals-Fast Pool??

Hello, I've heard much discussion in the past about 'fast' pools, especially in Indy. Just curious how all of you would rate the ASU-Mona Plummer pool for Nationals. Also...did the warm weather/outdoor conditions affect the 'fast' pool posibilities for you? Thanks. Tim Murphy Sun Devil Masters
  • Mona Plummer is hands down one of the fastest outdoor pools in the world: the entire pool has a 7' depth, deep gutters, perfect water temp, decent starting blocks. The only problem with this meet is that they ran single lane lines (the small ones) which created a lot of turbulence, especially in the sprints. Typiclly for SCM or SCY meets they "double" up the lane lines which works extremally well, for nationals they didn't have enought to do this (they needed the extras for the warm up pools). The conditions we're tough, hanging around a pool with virtually no shade all day and temps over 100 will take its toll!
  • Mona Plummer is hands down one of the fastest outdoor pools in the world: the entire pool has a 7' depth, deep gutters, perfect water temp, decent starting blocks. The only problem with this meet is that they ran single lane lines (the small ones) which created a lot of turbulence, especially in the sprints. Typiclly for SCM or SCY meets they "double" up the lane lines which works extremally well, for nationals they didn't have enought to do this (they needed the extras for the warm up pools). The conditions we're tough, hanging around a pool with virtually no shade all day and temps over 100 will take its toll!
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