I am based in England and I need some advise as to how I can speed up my freestyle.I am currently able to swim 25M laps in 20 strokes.However my time has not dropped despite the fact that I am doing the laps in less strokes than before.Does anyone have any tips as to how I can get my time down without losing the efficiency of stroke rate that I have established.
Thanks in advance,
Mark Varney
Former Member
My impression is that speed derives from technique plus training. Have you read much on the subject? You might take a look at Swimming Fastest by Ernest Maglischo or Breakthrough Swimming by Cecil Colwin. Fitness Swimming by Emmitt Hines has workout suggestions which incorporate technique drills.
My impression is that speed derives from technique plus training. Have you read much on the subject? You might take a look at Swimming Fastest by Ernest Maglischo or Breakthrough Swimming by Cecil Colwin. Fitness Swimming by Emmitt Hines has workout suggestions which incorporate technique drills.