my mother

Former Member
Former Member
I'm afarid because my mother may lose her foot because of infection. She has already had operations for heart attacks and I fell she is getting closer to death. I know that many of you are strangers out there. And probably thing this is weird. I'm afaird of my parents dieding. Anyone else out there experiance this fear. If some of you are religious pray to God for my mother.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hey Cynthia, My prayers are with you and your family. My mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer almost 3 years ago at a young age of 59. I've learned we never know what God's or life's plans are to be. She was given the "average" life expectancy of 8 months. She is still living and living a fine life after 3 years after diagnosis. Her team of doctors at Johns Hopkins have been great and I recall early on they said medicine knows only so much and what happens is partly out of their hands. I'm thankful to her doctors with such a perspective instead of acting like they know everything. I've learned with cancer and most illnesses, they are different for every individual. She recently had a return of a tumor and we've learned to take it all in stride. I can't bear the thought of life without my mom someday, but I treasure every day she remains physically in our family's life. I recall vividly the day she told me 3 years ago of her illness and it hit me hard. Over time (and I'm thankful God granted us time) I've learned to deal with it. My swimming is often my refuge. I've found it has been great comfort in this situation, as well as others. I guess all I'm trying to convey is I wish you and your family well. I'm convinced all the many prayers my mom has received has given her the good life she's continued to have. Best wishes. Dan
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hey Cynthia, My prayers are with you and your family. My mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer almost 3 years ago at a young age of 59. I've learned we never know what God's or life's plans are to be. She was given the "average" life expectancy of 8 months. She is still living and living a fine life after 3 years after diagnosis. Her team of doctors at Johns Hopkins have been great and I recall early on they said medicine knows only so much and what happens is partly out of their hands. I'm thankful to her doctors with such a perspective instead of acting like they know everything. I've learned with cancer and most illnesses, they are different for every individual. She recently had a return of a tumor and we've learned to take it all in stride. I can't bear the thought of life without my mom someday, but I treasure every day she remains physically in our family's life. I recall vividly the day she told me 3 years ago of her illness and it hit me hard. Over time (and I'm thankful God granted us time) I've learned to deal with it. My swimming is often my refuge. I've found it has been great comfort in this situation, as well as others. I guess all I'm trying to convey is I wish you and your family well. I'm convinced all the many prayers my mom has received has given her the good life she's continued to have. Best wishes. Dan
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