I'm afarid because my mother may lose her foot because of infection. She has already had operations for heart attacks and I fell she is getting closer to death. I know that many of you are strangers out there. And probably thing this is weird. I'm afaird of my parents dieding. Anyone else out there experiance this fear. If some of you are religious pray to God for my mother.
Former Member
My mother also lost a limb due to diabetes and cancer-related complications- it's a dreadful process to have to watch someone go through (to say the least); I now have a maternal aunt who is suffering from diabetes (and cancer) also; if anything, this has forced me to REALLY reconsider certain lifestyle and dietary habits (and start a masters programme), in an attempt not to suffer the same fate. So, at the risk of sounding trite, an otherwise dreadful situation may hold the seed of something positive...
My mother also lost a limb due to diabetes and cancer-related complications- it's a dreadful process to have to watch someone go through (to say the least); I now have a maternal aunt who is suffering from diabetes (and cancer) also; if anything, this has forced me to REALLY reconsider certain lifestyle and dietary habits (and start a masters programme), in an attempt not to suffer the same fate. So, at the risk of sounding trite, an otherwise dreadful situation may hold the seed of something positive...