La 1932 olympic pool being rebuilted

Former Member
Former Member
According to a recent article by the Los Angeles times, the fame LA olympic pool of 1932 which was in such bad shape recently since no one has swam in it since the Northridge quake in 1994 and was filled with graffiti all over it, has been rebuilt along with a 3 story rec center and a family pool. In fact the facade which was use in 1932 is being preserved and is going to be apart of the new swim complex. Its nice to hear that some of those dinosaur pools on the west coast or east coast that are in not the best neighborhoods in town are being rebuilted for the 21st century.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    That's good news. I recently had the pleasure to visit a refurbished pool in Chicago. The story goes that Johnny Weismuller, the Olympic swimmer and later Tarzan, trained for the Paris Olympics in the early 20s at the old Medina Health Club on Michigan Avenue. The hotel now occupying this building refurbished the pool recently back to its former glory. It has beautiful inland tile, and a 3 level viewing/relaxation area. I swam many laps there one afternoon.