looking for any good swim logs/log books. any suggestions?
Former Member
You can do more with an excel spread sheet than any log book. I have several years on excel. I can compare how many yards I have did last January to this January, or how many yards I did on mondays last year vs this year or many other valuable things just by clicking the sort button.
good point. I was just starting to suggest that swimmers should make their own logs to fit personal needs. Don't let someone else's ideas of what should be recorded limit your thinking.
If you are refering to logs of your meet results, I use Microsoft Works 2000 databases which give me all my times in all the events I have ever swum in well over 100 meets since 1972. Next to my times, I indicate in parentheses swims that made top ten. For example:
Date Meet Age Age Group Event
100 Br
4/1/02 Pentathlon 71 70-74 1:28.2 (8)
You can tailor your database any way you want. Same can be done for daily workouts, if that's what you are looking for.