Is swim coach worth $353,518?

The San Jose Mercury News has an article about the DeAnza Cupertino Aquatics Swim Coach making $353,518 in 2002. Coaches might find it of interest. michael
  • If power company and airline executives were compensated by performance, then they would owe money to the stockholders. This coach has brought this program from 200 swimmers to 4000? That's an amazing performance. Of course since we have a progressive income tax system he is paying taxes on his salary. Of course I am a school teacher and if I successfully educate all the children in my classes I will get $32,000 a year. I'd also get the same amount of money if I didn't educate them. If more children decide to go to the school where I teach because of my reputation, my reward will be....bigger class sizes.
  • If power company and airline executives were compensated by performance, then they would owe money to the stockholders. This coach has brought this program from 200 swimmers to 4000? That's an amazing performance. Of course since we have a progressive income tax system he is paying taxes on his salary. Of course I am a school teacher and if I successfully educate all the children in my classes I will get $32,000 a year. I'd also get the same amount of money if I didn't educate them. If more children decide to go to the school where I teach because of my reputation, my reward will be....bigger class sizes.
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