I stumbled across this site while I was looking for some new interesting workouts and thought I'd look into it. I swam on community teams when I was young, and then varsity teams in high school. Now I'm a freshman in college and really missing the competition.
So I was wondering - how do you get involved w/ USMS meets? or teams? (if it helps, I'm currently in Souther CA, and spend summers in MA) Can anyone compete or do you have to be at a certain level? (according to this site, I'm a Masters Level 2) Can I compete in one state during the school year, and other during the summer?
Also, about how much/how often does everyone swim? Currently, I'm swimming about 3000yds 6x/week. Is this pretty average, or too low?
Thanks so much for all the information. I appreciate it, and hope you have a great day!
Former Member
When you get back to MA this summer go to:
You'll find a list of places to swim in MA (and other places in NE) and lots of opportunities to compete. In fact, this year we are working with the Bay State Games to sponsor a "masters" division and hope to have these details worked out soon.
By the way, if you join New England Masters, your membership will also work in southern CA.
When you get back to MA this summer go to:
You'll find a list of places to swim in MA (and other places in NE) and lots of opportunities to compete. In fact, this year we are working with the Bay State Games to sponsor a "masters" division and hope to have these details worked out soon.
By the way, if you join New England Masters, your membership will also work in southern CA.