Meet Disasters!

Former Member
Former Member
Following a meet the Sat just gone I would like to share my disasterous experience with you all and to create a thread where people can share their similar dissapointing experiences... I was all physced up to do 100BR - hoping for a new PB - dived in and - oh no my goggles start fill up! I completethe first 50 and just have to stop as I can't see the wall or anything. I of course get DQ, but was so angry since the goggles were fine in the warm up. As you can imagine for every other event that day I had my goggles strapped so tight I could have stopped my blood flow! Anyone else want to share simillar experiences? Suits fallen off - stopped too early - wrong stroke?
  • I swam a meet this last weekend and it seemed nothing went right. In my first event I didn't quite hear the starter as he started the heat and I was the last one off the blocks. Then I was swimmng the 50 free and hit the touch pad so hard coming in that my R middle finger is still very bruised and swollen and I can't bend it. Then when I was finishing up with the 50 fly, and trying to do a good time, I came to the finish and was a little shy of the pad since my finger was still hurting alot and touched with my left hand just slightly ahead of my right and got DQed for that one. Just seemed I couldn't do anything right that day. I managed 2 zone records so that was the only redeaming effort for the day.
  • I swam a meet this last weekend and it seemed nothing went right. In my first event I didn't quite hear the starter as he started the heat and I was the last one off the blocks. Then I was swimmng the 50 free and hit the touch pad so hard coming in that my R middle finger is still very bruised and swollen and I can't bend it. Then when I was finishing up with the 50 fly, and trying to do a good time, I came to the finish and was a little shy of the pad since my finger was still hurting alot and touched with my left hand just slightly ahead of my right and got DQed for that one. Just seemed I couldn't do anything right that day. I managed 2 zone records so that was the only redeaming effort for the day.
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