FINA "master's tabulation"

Does anyone know when FINA posts its top 10 masters tabulation? It's now closing in on April; you would think they had time to figure out 2002 results? Also, are there any other quasi-mediocre swimmers out there who by some miracle squeaked into the World Top 10 for their age group? I'm not talking about ex-Olympians or former NCAA stars for whom such an honor is no doubt like falling off a couch, almost more of an embarassment than something to boast about? I'm talking about a fellow cannon fodder of a masters swimmer, someone who, for instance, earned C's in PE in grade school, who went on from such humble beginnings to squeak, near dotage, into the rarefied world listing against all odds? If so, how did you celebrate? How did you let your friends know you were in the TOP 10 ON PLANET EARTH without it seeming too much like bragging? Ah, but even asking such a question, I suspect, reeks of the kind of hubris that will doom my own miniscule chances of squeaking in... Still, does anyone know when FINA posts its list?
  • Well I guess the rest of us will just have to wait but want to congratulate u on whatever u are so giddy about. It must be good. U can always go to the fina website from the USMS top 10 page and view ur name all u want after its posted. Hopefully next week. I wouldn't hold my breath. Thanz for getting the info tho.
  • Well I guess the rest of us will just have to wait but want to congratulate u on whatever u are so giddy about. It must be good. U can always go to the fina website from the USMS top 10 page and view ur name all u want after its posted. Hopefully next week. I wouldn't hold my breath. Thanz for getting the info tho.
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